Return To Windows 95

T C P / I P

TCP/IP is the protocol that computers use to communicate across the internet. This protocol is built into Windows and requires no third party software to install.

In order to configure install and configure TCP/IP, follow the steps below.

1) First, click on the 'Start' button.
2) Follow the menu to the 'Control Pannel' icon and click it.

3) In the 'Control Pannel', double click on the'Network' icon.

4) Once in the 'Network Properties' window, you must ensure that TCP/IP is installed. If it is not click on the 'Add' button, select 'Protocols' , then 'Mmicrosoft', then 'TCP/IP'. You may be prompted to insert your Windows 95 CD or Disks in order to copy the needed files.

Your computer will promt you to reboot then TCP/IP will be installed. If you have already installed Dial Up Networking you are ready to configure the Dial Up Adapter.

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